No matter how you slice it, the fact remains that it's always a good strategy to conserve energy first, before producing more of it. Let Soft White 60 show you the light.
Despite the fact that energy efficiency initiatives save governments, utilities, companies, and people money, many organizations and individuals remain in the dark when it comes to embracing the concept of Demand-Side Management (DSM). In mature markets where energy is plentiful, DSM can lead to a reduction in energy bills for consumers and increased energy export revenues for utilities. In developing markets where energy is scarce, energy efficiency efforts can result in increased access to electricity and fewer outages, improving quality of service to customers. In all markets, DSM leads to reductions in energy-related waste, which contributes to a cleaner environment, more efficient utilities, and improved economic conditions for everyone involved. At Soft White 60, we feel strongly that DSM should be at the heart of every household, business, utility, and governmental approach toward energy. Our organization believes in the concept of "waste not, want not", and we're anxious to show you how our energy efficiency auditing and monitoring services can save your utility, your business, and your ratepayers real money, while helping save the planet at the same time.